Slow pc_server response / "failed to execute request" in cash display
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Symptoms:
In GUI Circ, there is a very slow or no response in producing the cash display for certain patrons.
For some patrons we get "Server failed to execute request after 60 seconds" in the "All transactions" and "Active cash" tabs.
The cash display program is reading all of the z36h (loan history) records for all of the items in the patron's cash display. Patrons who have many cash transactions or who have cash transactions for frequently-loaned items will take a long time to display.
* As noted in Article "Slow check-out of items which have been loaned many times, the z36h records are not needed by the system. Records older than x months can be deleted.
* This could be done either for all z36h's or for these high-circ items only. {The z36h table should be backed up using file-03 before any such deletion.}
Additional Information
Examples below. These patrons don't have many transactions but took a long time (more than a minute) to appear.
b.21982014933661 ZZLARKE,LINDA id.111222333 - 12 transactions z31 (Cash) table.
21982013623552 ZZAVAREZ,MARTIN id.222333444 - 20 transactions in z31 (Cash) table.
Diagnostics show a pause in get_item_loan_from_cash for item 004889053000030 (LAPTOP COMPUTER).
SQL shows 2,337 z36h (loan history) records for this item. (get_item_loan_from_cash reads the z36h.) :
SQL> select count(*) from z36h where z36h_rec_key like '004889053000030%';
The program is reading all 2,337 of these loans looking for the one which corresponds to this cash transaction. (The most recent transactions are the highest-numbered and, therefore, the last ones it would read.)
The following SQL shows that there are 389 items which have been loaned more than 1000 times:
SQL> select substr(z36h_rec_key,1,15) from z36h group by substr(z36h_rec_key,1,15) having count(*) > 1000;
See also Article 000003264 ("Cash display takes minute or more for patrons with many Cash lines").
- Article last edited: 12-July-2016