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    Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    The page cannot be displayed" in trying to connect to the www_server

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    You get the message: "The page cannot be displayed" in trying to connect to the www_server

    1. Check with util w/1/2 to verify that the www_server is running. Make a note of the port number it is running on (xxxx).

    2. Check the current $LOGDIR/www_server_xxxx log. You will see these messages at the top:

    START Fri Apr 27 13:08:56 IDT 2007 *** start www_server ***
    2007-04-27 13:08:56 12 ----- [log] verbose on level 1

    Previous server killed (pid 16316)

    Do you see any messages after that, such as: "2007-04-27 13:09:01 89 [000] [vrb] IN ..."?

    3a. ** If you do NOT see "IN" messages and other activity in the log ...

    If you have tried to connect and do not see any response in the log, that indicates that you are not getting to the server. The most common reason for this is that apache is not running. Do the following to check:

    ps -ef | grep aleph | grep http

    There should be at least three or four lines in response. If there is only one line (the "grep" itself), that means that the aleph apache is not running. Start apache. If there are problems, consult KB 5671.

    3b. ** If you *do* see "IN" messages and other activity in the log,...

    that means that the server is up and other people are connecting. Make sure that you are connecting to the right port. Do util w/3/1, when it says:

    Enter www-server port number or 0 to QUIT [xxxx]

    Do util w/3/1. When it says:

    Enter www-server port number or 0 to QUIT [xxxx]

    press Enter. Then it will say:

    This apache port number (yyyy) is what you should be connecting to in the OPAC. Example: "yyyy" is 8991. The OPAC URL should be "http://.............:8991/F"

    If you are connecting to an invalid apache port, you will get the "Page cannot be displayed" message.

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013