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    Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    The requested base/library is not accessible now.”; USM01 is used.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    When I attempt to search the Web OPAC, it defaults to USM01. When I change the &local_base to BIN01 in the URL string (which should be the default library), I get a message that “The requested base/library is not accessible now.” This worked on the v18 Test server.

    The "is not accessible now" message is 9874 in ./error_eng/www_f_heading.

    It occurs when the ./com/define_base program, called by the www_f program, fails to find an entry for the base in tab_base.

    I found that the $aleph_utf/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/u18_1/alephe/tab/tab_base.eng file was a generic version, lacking the BINxx and BNYxx bases.

    I moved this generic version to $aleph_utf/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/u18_1/alephe/tab/tab_base.eng.old (where you can see it, if you like) and restarted the www_server.

    The current, correct tab_base.eng was then copied to the utf_files and the Web OPAC is now working.

    You should probably also do a general util x/7 to delete *all* of the utf_files. Note that this is option #1 {Remove UTF files (util-x-7)} in upgrade_util #4 ( Perform Post Upgrade Express Actions).

    See also, KB 16384-3089.

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013