Ue_11_read_cen_record warning
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
The following warning message is showing up in our .../abc50/scratch/run_e_11.18636 log this week:
[wrn] ue_11_read_cen_record: after reading ABC10/sysno=010015861 record deleted DELETE-ERROR-CODE=11
I haven't seen this warning before. I found the KB#23350 rep_change which says that "ue_11_read_cen_record" is the name of a cobol program, and "... This development is relevant for the German consortia."
Are the enhancements for the German consortia only? If so, why is this warning message in our ue_11 logs?
We see in the ue_11 log that these warnings occur in connection with message types 4 and d.
The following grep on the Ex Libris server shows that the 1, 4, d, f, and g routines all call the ue_11_read_cen_record routine:
jerrys@il-aleph07(a20_3):...source/util>grep ue_11_read_cen_record *ue_11*
ue_11_a_1.cbl: CALL "ue_11_read_cen_record" USING
ue_11_a_4.cbl: CALL "ue_11_read_cen_record" USING
ue_11_a_d.cbl: CALL "ue_11_read_cen_record" USING
ue_11_a_f.cbl: CALL "ue_11_read_cen_record" USING
ue_11_a_g.cbl: CALL "ue_11_read_cen_record" USING
I find that each of the uxu01 authority records cited in the log was recently deleted. It seems that this is a warning indicating that abc01 headings are being deleted (or changed?) because this abc10 record has been deleted.
I think your Cataloging staff should check this, but it may be that this warning doesn't necessarily indicate a real problem.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013