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    Unable to run Saxon" Error when trying to Print from the GUI Modules

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01, 21, 22, 23

    Problem Symptoms:

    Staff members encountered the error "Unable to run Saxon" while trying to print claim letters and trying to print from the Task Manager.

    Print File List - Library: XXX50 Target: print
    File [0]: Local C:AL500alephcomfilesXXX50printprintd45.~82 Server /exlibris/aleph/u20_1/xxx50/print/cir_52_2_00_20121108.print
    Number of files to print: 10.
    Unable to run Saxon.


    There are various cases when the error "Unable to run Saxon" is displayed:
    1) The line SaxonVersion= in Alephcom.ini is incorrect (not jar or there is no file name (Saxon) before .jar)
    2) GUI can not access SaxonX.jar because the file (Saxon) doesn't exist
    3) Run Saxon process is failed



    1) Check, if the PC has a correct setting in .\alephcom\tab\alephcom.ini :

    2) Check whether the .\alephcom\bin directory *does* contain a "saxon8.jar" file.

    3) Install Sun Java Run-time Environment 1.5 (or higher), which includes the Java Virtual Machine
    See the attached "How to install a Java Virtual Machine on a PC" or download it from the Documentation Center > How To > Printing.
    (If Java was already installed before, reinstalling Java on PC may solve the problem).

    4) Add the location of the Java to the system path

    Change the path in the advances system settings of your PC (ask your System administrator for help).

    Add the location of the Java installation (e.g. C:\Program Files\java\jre7\bin) to this path

    Additional Information

    * Note that Java 32 bit needs to be installed even if the user has Windows 7 64 bit.
    Recommended: Install Java in 'mixed' mode, which enables 32 and 64 bit usage.

    * The command which the GUI uses to run Saxon, can be run from the command line to test if the Saxon works OK:
    Start -> Run -> cmd
    java <size of xml file(optional)>-jar <Saxon Path> -w0 -o <out html file> <xml file> <xsl file>


    The <size of xml file> parameter is used when the size of the xml file is more then 2MB, otherwise empty.




    java -jar C:\Exlibris\AL500_22.1.1_20150316\Alephcom\bin\saxon8.jar -w0 -o C:\Temp\Aleph\Alephtest.html C:\Temp\Aleph\~Aleph3461.temp C:\Exlibris\AL500_22.1.1_20150316\Alephcom\files\USM50\PrintTemplates\eng\hold-request-slip.xsl

    * In Aleph 18 there are two "bin" directories: Bin and Bin_V (for Vista OS).
    HTMLPrint for Windows Vista is placed under Bin_V, but the Saxon utility is placed under Bin directory.


    * In Aleph 22 and above OpenJDK can be installed on the PC instead of Java Virtual Machine

    See article How to Download and Install OpenJDK 11 on Windows 10 PC for Aleph

    • Article last edited: 11-Feb-2017
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