Union setup for course reserves; Upgrade Express
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 19.01
After running the v18 -> V19 Upgrade Express, I did the Union View setup for Reserves as described in the "Upgrade Express 18.01 to 19.01
User Guide" (section 8.3), and in the "System Librarian's Guide -- Course Reading and Reserves" (section 10.3, "Union View Indexing").
When I finished, I had the situation described in KB 5899, where you couldn't properly search and display reserves in the OPAC using U-ABC30, though the data appeared in the GUI for the full ABC30 library. z127 hadn't been populated. Applying the solution described there was successful.
Section 8.3 implies that union-01/union-02 will build both z120 and z127, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Or did something go wrong when I ran them? (I see no errors or anything in the log relating to z127.) Should this additional step be added for everyone?
I have not reached the stage of running union-04 yet. Will that really handle updating both z120 and z127?
The UE 18-19 UG section 8.3 has been corrected to say this:
5. Run union_01, union_02.
6. Run the following from the command line in order to create the Z127 records:
csh –f $aleph_proc/create_z127
[You need to be dlib-ed to the xxx30 library when running create_z127 and load_z127_to_mem.]
7. Run util/a/17/6/1 to create the z120/z127 triggers.
<end revised UE section 8.3>
And the SLG - CRR, Section 10.3, has been changed to say this:
If you want to re-build an existing CR database, after all the indexes are built p_union_01 (build empty z120 records) and p_union_02 (creates z120 records) should be run once.
Then create the z127 records. It is necessary to run the process to create the Z127 records after running p_union_02. The process is run from the command line and does not have any parameters. The syntax for running it is: csh –f $aleph_proc/create_Z127 .
<end revised section 10.3>
Assuming that the z127 triggers are in place, p_union_04 *does* update both the z120 and the z127 on an ongoing basis.
Upgrade Express step 1016 creates the z127 table and triggers. The problem with running this prior to the p_union_01/p_union_02 is that, when these jobs are run with the z127 triggers present, the triggers are changed to names like "BIN$Yn47jdhWvjTgQAEKDutM1A==$0". (See KB 16384-14225 in this regard.)
For this reason, Upgrade Express step 1016 should be postponed until *after* the p_union_01/p_union_02 is run. (Note: util a/17/1 for the xxx30 z127, followed by util/a/17/6/1/1 in xxx30, does *exactly* the same thing as Upgrade Express step 1016.)
Thus, the following is the correct sequence of post-Upgrade Express Course Reserve Library steps:
1. p_manage_05
2. p_manage_01
3. p_manage_02
4. p_manage_07
5. p_union_01
6. p_union_02
7. util a/17/1 for xxx30 z127
8. csh -f $aleph_proc/create_z127
9. util/a/17/6/1/1 to create the z120/z127 triggers
10. p_manage_12 (with "Delete all Links?" "No")
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013