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    Upgrade Express: documentation of manual changes/Implementation notes

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    I have the Aleph 16->17->18 Upgrade Express Implementation Notes PDFs, but have a hard time believing this is the total picture. What we are looking for is a list of the manual changes documented that will appear in the UE logfiles. Is this not documented anywhere? It would be helpful to have these in hand prior to running UE so we can parse out responsibility for checking the changes UE does, which I understand is over 1000 steps.

    UE 16-17 and 17-18 both contain over a hundred steps rather than thousands. There is a naming convention - steps over a thousand indicate that the step is related to the Oracle upgrade. To find out the contents of all the steps please do the following on your server that has both UE kits installed:

    aleph2-a18(8) >>cd /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_1602_1701
    aleph2-a18(8) >>find . -name implement.text -exec cat {} \; -print > UE16-17_steps

    aleph2-a18(8) >>cd /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_1701_1801/source
    aleph2-a18(8) >>find . -name implement.text -exec cat {} \; -print > ../UE17-18_steps

    After running these commands, you'll find files UE16-17_steps and UE17-18_steps in the UE directories that will list all the implementation notes performed by the kit.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013