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    Use Oracle Data Pump to transfer individual table

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local;

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    Use the Oracle Data Pump to transfer an individual table from Production server to Test.

    1. Since Java routines are used in the scripts, a new permission is must be granted (one time only) on the Production server:

    grant JAVA_ADMIN to aleph_admin WITH ADMIN OPTION;

    2. Enter the following commands on the command line. As described in KB 16384-49361 ("Unable to open file "oracle_expdp_current_lib.sql"), the oracle_expdp_table and oracle_impdp_table procs *must* be run in the $aleph_proc directory. "XXX01" is the library for which the job is being run.

    > cd $aleph_proc
    > csh -f oracle_expdp_table XXX01,z00r > & $alephe_scratch/oracle_expdp_table.z00r.mmdd.log &

    3. Copy the z00r export files from the Production XXX01 $data_files/dpdir directory to the Test server XXX01 $data_files/dpdir directory.

    4. On the Test server (one time only):

    grant JAVA_ADMIN to aleph_admin WITH ADMIN OPTION;Do the following to load the table on the Test server:

    5. Enter the following commands on the command line:

    > cd $aleph_proc
    > csh -f oracle_impdp_table XXX01,z00r > & $alephe_scratch/oracle_impdp_table.z00r.mmdd.log &

    Additional Information

    In a previous copy of data and configuration from PROD to TEST, the XXX01 and XXX60 z00r tables were not copied. That's why they needed to be copied individually.

    Note: if the table is relatively small -- say, less than a gigabyte --, the Aleph file-03 Service can be used to export and the file-04 to import it, but the Data Pump is *always* going to be faster. 

    Category: System management

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013