Util/S/1 Monthly loan statistics; z1002
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 17.01
I am using UTIL/S/1 to produce loan and return statistics by the hour
In the test region this utility is working however in the production region it is not. These are the differences I have noticed:
In the test region
there is a trigger z36. for z1002 and in the mon50 there is a flie_list file
In the production there is no z36 trigger for z1002, and there is no file_list in abc50
How do I create the necessary trigger in the production region?
Note that most sites do not use util s/1. The normal way they get Circ Statistics is by running the p_cir_30 Circulation Statistics job. This job is much more flexible and powerful than util s/1.
But if you want it, the z1002 can be created as follows:
1. add these lines to the abc50 file_list:
TAB z1002 1M 1M TS2D
TRI z1002_trigger
TRI z1002_trigger_1
TRI z1002_trigger_2
2. util a/17/1 for z1002
3. util a/17/6/1 to create the z1002_trigger, z1002_trigger_1, and the z1002_trigger_2
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013