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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    V. 17 and 18: p_manage_32 always creates just one process

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    No matter what number of processes you set in the GUI services menu for p-manage-32, the system starts only one process.

    When the job is run from the command line, the number of processes started is correct.

    The number of processes for p_manage_32 was increased with v17 rep_ver 8421, but the program which builds the cycles for p_manage_32 is not set up to handle single digits.

    In submitting p_manage_02 from the GUI Services (or the command line), you must include the leading zero for any value less than 10. Thus,

    1 process would be specified as "01";
    8 processes, as "08";

    When you include the leading zero, the number is interpreted correctly.

    You may want to change the default value in the GUI submission screen as a reminder that the leading zero is required. To do so, copy the $aleph_root/pc_b_eng/p-manage-32.xml file to $alephe_root/pc_b_eng/p-manage-32.xml and set the <default> line (in the $alephe_root/pc_b_eng/p-manage-32.xml) for F03 from "1" to "01".

    Change this line:

    > <default>1</default>
    > <default>01</default>

    The default line in the distributed p-manage-32.xml will be changed as shown above.

    This issue is still open and was escalated to Second line support for further analysis <2007-07-29 01:00:04>.
    This issue is still open and was escalated to Development for further investigation <2007-08-05 01:00:10>.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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