Version 17: ALEPH z305 records missing
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
We have found that the ALEPH z305 records are missing in version 18. The following sample SQL shows the difference on our test and production server:
From production server:
> select z305_rec_key from z305 where z305_rec_key like '%5006287%';
5006287 ABC50
from test server
> select z305_rec_key from z305 where z305_rec_key like '%5006287%';
5006287 ALEPH
5006287 ABC50
Please help on this.
Besides the missing records themselves, this also brings the fear that data loss must have happened during the STP process. How should we assess the situation and solve such problem?
Since the abc50 tab100 specifies "USER-SHARING=N", in version 18, you do not need to have any ALEPH Z305 records. I'm not sure why they are present on the test server. They will not do any harm, but they do not need to be....
Is there something which seems to not be working on Prod?
See Knowledge Base records 8192-1399 and 8192-5256.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013