View Local Owner"; "Low-List"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 17.01
In the Edit dropdown menu, there's a 'View Local owner'. It is grayed out in our dropdown. I cannot find any literature to explain what this does; other, than what the Web Guide on EDIT say, "This supports Local Owner functionality, if there were central-local cataloging. In Standard applications, this option is not applicable." Can you explain what this functionality can do?
Also, there's a "Low-List" function under Cataloging Record in Staff Privileges.
The Local Owner option is a German MAB Central/Local function ("special development for the Bavarian Central Catalogue"). And is not available to sites not having the Central/Local setup.
The "Low-List" is "Local Owner List" and, similarly, pertains to the MAB Central/Local only.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013