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    WWW Server log contains 'Error: function ILL-LIB missing program <form xml translate ill lib >'

    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 22, 23



    The WWW server logs contain the following errors:

    Error: function ILL-LIB missing program <form_xml_translate_ill_lib >


    Info: Empty table /tmp/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/u22_1/alephe/www_x_eng/read-item.tag

    How can this be avoided?


    The error is caused by the following line in $alephe_root/www_x_lng/global.trn 

    z303-ill-library                    ILL-LIB    S

    There is no translation program for "ILL-LIB" resulting in error: 
    Error: function ILL-LIB missing program <form_xml_translate_ill_lib > 

    Correct the line to

    z303-ill-library                    PC-TAB-EXP S ILL-LIB

    Additional Information


    returns the text as defined in $data_tab/pc_tab_exp_field.lng
    Put in the param-column the relevant entry in the pc_tab_exp_field.lng (e.g. "VENDOR-DELIVERY-TYPE", "ILL-LIB" etc).

    Example for ILL-LIB from Demo library usm50

    ILL-LIB                  L ILL Law Unit                                       ILL_LAW
    ILL-LIB                  L ILL HYL Unit                                       ILL_HYL
    ILL-LIB                  L ILL MED Unit                                       ILL_MED
    ILL-LIB                  L ILL Law Unit                                       HIL


    In addition, a sublibrary may be added if the
    relevant entry is from pc_tab_exp_field_extended, for example

    z305-bor-status                     PC-TAB-EXP S BOR-STATUS z305-sub-library


    • Article last edited: 01-Nov-2017
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