Web OPAC Logout Destination Problem
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
We are having a sudden problem with our OPAC in which the logout file is going to find-b instead of going to either the login screen or find-b-0
It just started doing this.
The part of the file looks like:
<a href="&server_f?func=logout">
<img src="&icon_path/f-go.gif"
alt="Confirm logout"></a>
The patrons and staff are getting the message that they have " Empty search string" I've tried to tell them that it doesn't hurt anything and they can just go ahead and search, but they keep calling.
Is there a place this is set to find-b-0 instead of find-b?
When you log out, it loads &server_f_start.
The problem is resolved after running UTIL-X-7 and restart web server
Additional Information
find screen
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013