Web OPAC display for MARC languages
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 19.01
Create a better Web OPAC display for MARC languages - would like to have the language(s) display - no matter which field it's from (041, otherwise 008) and we would like the language name not the MARC code.
Change abc01/tab/tab_expand from:
WEB-FULL expand_doc_type tab_type_config
to this - add a second expand_doc_type:
WEB-FULL expand_doc_type tab_type_config
WEB-FULL expand_doc_type tab_type_config_lng
use the attached tab_type_config_lng.eng in abc01/tab/
Change abc01/tab/edit_doc_999.eng from:
## 041## D LLanguage Y E
to this - comment out the 041 and add LNG:
!## 041## D LLanguage Y E
## LNG D LLanguage Y E
A note on the display:
A single 041, for example
041 $apol
will display:
Multiple 041 in a single subfield will only display the first language, for example
041 $aengpol
will display:
Multiple 041 in individual subfields will display all of the languages, for example
041 $aeng $apol
will display:
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013