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    What are p_acq_08 and p_acq_09? How should they be used?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    What are p_acq_08 and p_acq_09? How should they be used?

    p_acq_08 is the "Update local price of budget transaction" job. According to the Help, you should run this function if you have changed the currency values. The job recalculates the z601_local_sum based on the currency ratio it finds in the z82 table for the z601_currency_date (or z601_open_date) of this transaction. It takes the z601_active_sum and uses that to calculate the z601_local_sum. In doing this recalculation it uses the z601_currency_ratio, if there is one, and, if not, the ratio in the z82 historical currency record closest to it, by date.

    We have seen two consequences of p_acq_08:

    (1) The initial allocation (z601_type "ILC") records are changed to zero (because the z601_active_sum in such records is zero, while the z601_local_sum has the actual active amount).

    (2) The recalculated z601_local_sum's for converted records will be incorrect because
    (a) the z601_currency_ratio is almost never populated (it is zero) and
    (b) sites typically do not have z82 currency-ratio tables for all the past years represented in the transactions.
    Therefore, the system will not have a proper ratio to use for these past transactions.

    This job could be used in the theoretical case where you found that the currency table had been incorrect and you have corrected it. It seems that this is unlikely to occur in practice. In general, we recommend that you *not* run this service.

    p_acq_09 is "Deactivate Encumbrance": "For each order that has received all of its invoices (Order's Invoice Status is CMP-Complete), the Active Sum of the Encumbrance (which shows how much of the encumbrance is still outstanding) is set to zero."

    But p_acq_09 also recalculates the z601_local_sum. So undesirable consequence #2 applies to it as well.

    Therefore, we strongly recommend that sites whose converted z601's have a z601_currency_ratio of zero and which lack a complete set of historical z82 currency conversion ratios corresponding to the time periods of their converted z601s -- which is *all* North American sites -- not run p_acq_08 or p_acq_09.

    Note: A warning about this has been added to the acq-08 and acq-09 Help files:
    Version 18 rep_change 653
    Version 16 rep_change 1926

    Additional Information

    p_acq_08, change, currency

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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