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    What does the xxx50 Z00 record do?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    What does the z00 record of the xxx50 library have in it?
    What is the z00 record's importance?
    We have z00 records for most everything in the ADM library, but I really don't know what info is stored there.

    Each library needs to have a z00 ("doc") record. The xxx50 z00 doc record has relatively few fields.
    The most important is the LKR field linking it (and its associated item, order, etc., records) to the appropriate BIB record. If it's a serial, it may contain 853/85X serial pattern fields. It may also have a "Z30" field. These fields are used to save the permanent location of the item when the actual z30 record has a temporary location --in cases where there isn't any associated HOL record.

    Additional Information

    Z00, doc, record, LKR

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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