What is ue_23? Preventing it from starting automatically
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
What is ue_23 and how can we prevent it from starting automatically?
ue_23 is related to an interface called “HK System”. See "How to Integrate Aleph with HK System" in the Doc Portal - How To - Circulation.
The HK system is an Automated Retrieval System-ARS (also known as Warehouse Management System-WMS) that is used to handle storage and accessibility to library materials that are warehoused at remote storage facilities.
You only need ue-23 when you are using such a system in your library.
v20 rep_change 2595 implements a separate startup_libs environment variable - "HKMESS_STARTUP_LIBS" to handle the ue_23 daemon. As described in the Implementation Notes, you need to comment out the UE _23 lines in your aleph_startup.
If you do not yet have this rep_change, in $alephe_root/aleph_startup on your server, check if there is the following section:
# UE_23
echo "starting hk system message daemon..."
set message_startup_libs = ($MESSAGE_STARTUP_LIBS)
set message_startup_libs = ""
foreach lib ($message_startup_libs)
start_proc00 $lib
echo " - $active_library "
source $aleph_proc/util_e_23
echo " "
If you change this so that each line is preceded by a hash, then ue_23 will no longer start automatically.
Additional Information
hk system ue_23 ue-23
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013