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    Where does (non-existent) z35_bor_status "99" come from?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    We are working on a collection use report that distinguished between undergraduate students, graduate students, etc.

    There are a number (9K out of ~ 10M) of event records in the Z35 oracle table with Z35_BOR_STATUS = '99'

    Since we have never (to my recollection) had a borrower status 99, and since there are no existing borrower records with this Z305_BOR_STATUS, we are curious about their origin. we scrub the patrons' identifying information from the z35 record, so we can't go back and look at examples ...

    Here are the record counts, from the test server, by event type (total record count for this file is 9,584,595):

    58 (delete loan) 111
    61 (return) 8594
    63 (PC renewal) 451
    65 (Item declared lost) 8
    66 (Item claimed returned) 10

    The following SQL shows that the borrower status 99 is not limited to the z35:

    SQL> select count(*) from z36h where z36h_bor_status = '99';
    **** Hit return to continue ****


    The SQL below shows that the date of the last z35 event with z35_bor_status = '99' is from May, 2007:

    SQL> select max (z35_event_date) from z35 where z35_bor_status = '99';
    **** Hit return to continue ****


    This shows the breakdown of the years:

    SQL> select substr (z35_event_date,1,4), count(*) from z35 where z35_bor_status = '99' group by substr (z35_event_date,1,4) order by substr (z35_event_date,1,4);
    **** Hit return to continue ****

    ------------ ----------
    1997 2
    1999 7
    2000 82
    2001 9
    2002 8648
    2003 378
    2004 8
    2005 33
    2006 6
    2007 1

    The status of "99" has no special significance in Aleph. I do not find anything in the programs which moves "99" to the z305_bor_status or z35_bor_status, so it seems that this must have been coming from (1) the original conversion, (2) the p_file_20 load, or (3) tab31.

    Since 2002 was the year that your data was converted, perhaps these are from the original conversion.

    It's noteworthy that *none* of the events are loans: the 63's are renewals; the 58's, delete-of-loan; the 61's, returns; etc.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013