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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    X-service update_doc, doc_action=UPDATE-CHK

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 22


    We noticed that using X-service update_doc, doc_action=UPDATE-CHK the service is updating the DB in case there are no errors at all. Is this the desired behaviour?


    Yes, indeed X-service update_doc, doc_action=UPDATE-CHK performs an update in case there are no errors related to the document.

    The purpose of this is, that via the X-service you can simulate the behaviour of Cataloging GUI when staff is pressing the "Save on Server"-button:
    First the record is sent with doc_action=UPDATE-CHK to the server. If there are no errors the records is directly saved on server (this behaviour is the same in GUI and X-server). If there are errors the staff gets a list of errors and in GUI has the chance to ignore non-mandatory errors. Aleph in this case is sending the record with doc_action=UPDATE to server so that it is clear that non-mandatory errors should be ignored.

    Therefore using doc_action = UPDATE-CHK and doc_action=UPDATE the same functionality can be used in X-service.

    Additional Information

    There currently is no doc_action that can be used to perform checks only.

    • Article last edited: 6/5/2014
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