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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    YBP p_file_96: how to get barcode into item record

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We've recently decided to get shelf-ready books from Yankee. Our incoming files have the barcode in the 852 $p field. We're loading these with file-96. How do we get the incoming barcode into the item record?

    [From Mike Rogers, UTK:]

    We receive shelf-ready books from YBP too, and our barcodes are in the
    949 $$b. For years we have used file-96 to load the bibs/items/HOLs/orders/encumbrances, followed by manage-50 to create the "full" items (including the real barcode).

    I see that there is an option in file-96 to include the barcode in the
    049 $$b. We have never tested this but I might try it today. If successful, it seems we could change the mapping of barcodes to 049 $$b and eliminate the step of manage-50.

    Do other sites do this?

    [From Betsy Friesen, U. Minnesota:]

    YBP has always put the barcode in the 049$$b and we create full holdings and items with a real barcode using only file_96.

    Works like a charm.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013