Z100-PRINT-ID field too short to contain the Print ID data
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 19.01
Problem Description: Z100_PRINT_ID is overwriting Z100_USER
Actual Results: Z100_PRINT_ID, when given a value with a length over 10 characters, overwrites the Z100_USER
Expected Results: Z100_PRINT_ID should not overwrite Z100_USER
From issue resolution:
V19 - rpc #683
V20 - rpc #97 + to 20_3[13/05/2009 16:27:48 Tamar Veler]
Final Status: Closed [5/14/2009 7:58:28 AM Judith Fraenkel]
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013