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    Zotero and Aleph OPAC

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Zotero is a reference management software (see
    Is Zotero generally supported by Aleph OPAC? In our Aleph version 20 OPAC it currently does not work, while we see that in another Aleph version 20 OPAC it does work.

    Zotero interoperability in Aleph OPAC is not officially supported by Ex Libris.
    But 3rd party tool Zotero out of the box should be able to extract data from Aleph OPAC. For this purpose two translators are used:
    - In an first step, Zotero uses the translator "Library Catalog (Aleph).js" from the OPAC short list.
    - Once the user selects specific records, this translator calls a second translator named "MARC.js" used for parsing the output data from the "field nummer view" resp. "MARC tags format" in Aleph (format=001).

    Both translators have been developed by the Zotero team and are neither maintained nor supported by Ex Libris. Problems with Zotero translators may be discussed in Zotero discussion forum (

    In general the translators should work fine in MAB and USM sites using standard Ex Libris HTML pages. If there is a problem with the Zotero translator it probably is related to customized HTML-pages.

    For example at one customer site, in HTML page full-000-body   was used:

    <td class="td1" id="bold" width="5%" nowrap>>&nbsp;$0100</td>
    <td class="td1">>&nbsp;$0200</td>

    Changing this back to Ex Libris standard has solved problems with Zotero and the tool was able to extract information from the HTML-page properly:

    <td class="td1" id="bold" width="5%" nowrap>$0100</td>
    <td class="td1">$0200</td>

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013