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    aleph_ps: Command not found"; "dlib: Command not found"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    You get errors such as:
    aleph_ps: Command not found.
    gs: Command not found
    in trying to run aleph_start or a util_e procedure and/or when you try to dlib to any library, you get:
    dlib: Command not found.

    These errors occur because the aleph_startup procedure did not work properly, because some necessary variable in aleph_start (or aleph_start.private), invoked by aleph_startup, is not properly defined, such as one of the following:

    The solution is to check for errors (such as errors for one of the preceding) when you try to ssh to the server and/or when you run aleph_start -- and then correct the error and do "source aleph_start", exit, and then reconnect to the server with ssh.

    [Another answer:] Something happened to the .cshrc -- it was working this morning. To get it back, at the unix prompt type:
    source .cshrc

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013