arc-01: "Not all records were loaded"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Symptoms:
arc-01 (ARC Extract and Load) runs to completion, but there are "Not all records were loaded" messages in the ./xxx50/scratch/p_arc_01.log.
Cause 1: If this p_arc_01.log (or the ./p_arc_01_c.log) includes 'File size too large' messages, the cycle size might be too large.
Cause 2: If this p_arc_01.log (or the ./p_arc_01_c.log) includes 'No space left on device' messages, space needs to be freed up in (or added to) the /exlibris filesystem.
Cause 3: If neither of the above messages is seen and this arc-01 run was preceded by runs which had the problems described in Article 000023096 (ARC ETL: "unable to extend ... tablespace SYSTEM"; "Syntax error at line 1"), it may be that files leftover from the previous run have caused these "Not all records were loaded" messages.
For Cause #1: Consult Article 000003178 (ARC table is partially loaded, error message "File size too large")
For Cause #2: Free up or add space in the /exlibris filesystem.
For Cause #3: If the second number is twice the size of the first, such as, "Loaded 4 of 8 - Not all records were loaded", that symptom seems to be a byproduct of the previous unsuccessful runs and can be ignored. Subsequent runs should not have the "Not all records were loaded" messages.
Additional Information
If just a few, specific records were not loaded, consult Article 000013980 ("ORA errors in p_arc_01_transform.log")
Category: Batch (500)
- Article last edited: 5/5/2014