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    clear_vir01 error after v19 Upgrade Express: "Error reading Z100 in usr_library"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

    I've completed my v19 Upgrade Express upgrade. While trying to clear vir01 from the post upgrade steps, I get this error at the end:

    Deleting statistics .....
    Error reading Z100 in usr_library
    Wrote Z100 record with rec-key: no_such_symbol

    Oracle error: update_cursor z100
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    Error reading Z100 in usr_library

    I did 'dlib vir01' then 'csh -f $aleph_proc/clear_vir01 VIR01' I did catch another error, referring to a missing sequence in USR00.
    It may be that USR00 isn't finishing importing its version 19 data.

    After importing the demo libraries, usr00 now has the z100. But I'm still getting an error, though it does now write to the table,

    Deleting statistics .....
    Error reading Z100 in usr_library
    Wrote Z100 record with rec-key: 000000004

    I have checked that Z100 does exist in our $usr_library, ABC50. Why is clear_vir01 looking for it in USR00 -- and why the error?

    (Case #1)

    In some cases, the "last-batch-job-no" counter didn't exist in USR00 and adding it (via UTIL-G-2), like this:

    Enter sequence number to update,
    or return to continue, or NEW to create new sequence, or 0 to exit: NEW
    Enter sequence name (lower case): last-batch-job-no
    Enter sequence start number: 0
    Enter prefix for format output:
    Do you want to supress leading zeros in format output (y/n): y
    Enter type (S/U): S
    Confirm (y/n): y

    corrects the problem.

    (Case #2)

    clear_vir01 executes p_file_04. p_file_04 calls start_p_proc. In v19, start_p_proc does:

    cobrun z100_initialize_rec

    z100_initialize_rec.cbl has:

    CALL get_usr_library

    get_usr_library has logic which says "if we're working with a demo library,
    then use USR00 as the usr_library (ignore the aleph_start $usr_library)".

    The specific error is coming from these lines in ./z100/z100_add_error_line.cbl:

    DISPLAY "Error reading Z100 in usr_library"

    There *is* a z100 table in the USR00 library.

    Batch jobs run against regular (non-demo) libraries, such as abc01, abc50, etc., write to the z100 in the $usr_library (specified in aleph_start).

    We found that the z100 did not get the error for p_com_01 for usm01 or vir01.

    Trying the clear_vir01 again, we find that it no longer gets the error.

    The only significant change which occurred between April 16 (when we got the error) and today (April 22) when we do not, is that the database was down for backup and restarted Saturday morning. It may be that the database had not been restarted previously since importing the demo libraries.

    Though it's unclear what the exact connection might be....

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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