directory ..alephcombin and directory ..alephcombin_v
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
The version 18 GUI contains a directory ..\alephcom\bin and a directory ..\alephcom\bin_v.
Directory bin_v is for Windows Vista.
The directories contain (among other things) a HTMLPrint.exe and a HTMLPrint.ini.
In bin_v, the HTMLPrint Tool has version 5.21.
In bin, the HTMLPrint Tool has version 4.19b.
Are customers with Windows XP PCs allowed to take the HTMLPrint.exe from bin_v and use it?
Or must they use HTMLPrint Tool version 4.19b from the bin directory?
They would want to take the HTMLPrint.exe from bin_v because it is a more advanced version than the one in bin.
Yes, they can. HTMLPrint version 5.21 supports Vista and other platforms, version 4.19b doesn't support Vista.
They can copy HTMLPrint.exe AND HTMLPrint.ini from
Bin_v to Bin. Don't forget HTMLPrint.ini!
Additional Information
Windows Vista, bin_v, HTMLPrint.ini, HTMLPrint.exe
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013