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    expand_doc_bib_hol_usm Does Not Use Column 3 to Limit Fields

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We thought that it is possible to define specific HOL fields to be exported along with the bib record by running:

    PRINT-REC expand_doc_bib_hol_usm 852,856,866

    When we tried this, we got the ENTIRE holdings record expanded into our extract rather than the specified fields.

    Though the expand_doc_hol_bib routine reads the values in column 3 as specific fields to be expanded into the HOL record from the bib, the converse is *not* true: expand_doc_bib_hol and expand_doc_bib_hol_usm expand routines do *not* use column 3 in this fashion.

    KB 16384-10226, the ALEPH 18.01 Syslib Guide - Indexing.pdf, and the ALEPH 18.01 Configuration Guide.pdf describe the use of expand_doc_bib_local_notes and tab_mapping to get the 856 field from the HOL record.

    [From Al Rykhus, Minnesota PALS Consortium, via the ELUNA SysAdmin List:]
    In tab_expand I have a line:
    WORD expand_doc_bib_local_notes SYS01

    Then in tab_expand_local_notes.conf I have the following definition:
    owners list =
    owner tab = OWN
    owner subfield = a
    mapping section = [SYS01]

    Then in tab_mapping I define the fields I want and give them codes that tell me they are from the holding record:
    SYS01 LDR## HLDR Y Y
    SYS01 007## H007 Y Y
    SYS01 008## H008 Y Y
    SYS01 506## u H06 u Y Y
    SYS01 538## u H38 a Y Y
    SYS01 845## u H45 a Y Y
    SYS01 856## uxz3 H56 uxz3 Y Y

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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