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    last-bor-id, multiple ADM libraries, and usr_library **MASTER RECORD**

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    When we create a new patron record for certain ADM libraries, it will sometimes say that the system-assigned patron ID is a duplicate.

    I would like to better understand how bor_id is set for a multi-ADM site like ours. We have set our bor_id value for the usr_library (PWD50), but I'm still seeing new patrons added with other values and it turns out that these are coming from the bor_id setting in our ABC50 ADM library.

    What determines where these values get set? We have multiple ADM's, but had thought to use the same prefix. But if the bor_id counter is coming from multiple locations, then there is a chance of multiple records with the same key value if we use the same prefix across the board. What should we do to properly address this?

    The patron ID comes from the ADM library's last-bor-id value. (Though the Z303 and Z308 records are created in the $usr_library, the $usr_library's last-bor-id does not play any role in this.)

    Thus, each xxx50 util g/2 last-bor-id parameter needs to have a prefix making the ID unique for that library.

    If you don't want to have unique prefixes, an alternative would be to adjust the Value column of the last-bor-id in each ADM library so that the z303 and z308 records created for that ADM will not conflict with those created for other ADMs.

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    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013