match_doc_gen, match_doc_uid and match_doc_uid_2
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Desired Outcome Goal:
How to match on field 020, if tab11_ind has a020?
For match_doc_uid, the tag after "T-" must be exactly the same as in ./xxx01/tab/tab11_ind:
T020 match_doc_uid T-a020
Additional Information
The system takes the tag from the record (020), and normalizes the tag according to the tab_expand INDEX entry.
Then the system compares the normalized tag and the index.
The system looks for the exact tag in ./xxx01/tab/tab11_ind. The tab_match header's Help section has this for match_doc_uid :
If tab11_ind col.1 has 020##, this table must have T-020## as well.
For match_doc_gen and match_doc_uid_2, the tag and index are not directly taken from tab11_ind.
These settings work :
GEN2 match_doc_gen TYPE=IND,TAG=020,SUBFIELD=a,CODE=020
UID_2 match_doc_uid_2 020
This does not work :
T020 match_doc_uid T-020
It should be :
T020 match_doc_uid T-a020
Category: Cataloging (500)
Subject: Services
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013