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    oclc_server: change of bib 852 to 952 prevents HOL call number creation

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 15.2

    When our recs come in from OCLC, we employ a particular fix that creates a call number in an 09x field from a value in the 852 field in the record. This fix is:


    We would like to add a line at the end of this fix (it's actually added but commented out) that would change the 852 in the bib record to 952. This works fine (we've tested it), however, since this fix is instigated and completed before HOL and items are created (in the OCLC import process), the system is looking to copy the call number value for the HOL record from the 852 field in the bib - if 852 is changed to 952 beforehand via the create_09x fix, then the 852 in the HOL record will not be copied and populated.

    So the question is: how do we tweak the HOL creation settings so we can tell the system to look for 952, not 852?

    The oclc_server is using tab_mapping to generate the HOL fields. You have lines like this in the abc01 tab_mapping:

    Y5JA 852## a 852 a Y Y

    You would need to change the 852's to 952's.

    [From site:] It was indeed local OCLC port settings for a specific user that were incorrect, and this is why an incorrect OWN was being assigned. Other users are fine, and the fix is running correctly, HOL and items creation is all set now

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013