- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
p-manage-64 doesn't run properly, it is very slow.
What can be done?
p_manage_111 had been run in the ADM library, but not in the $usr_library (for Z303 only in the $usr_library). Therefore Z111 didn't have any oracle indexes which caused p_manage_64 to be very slow.
It has been fixed by doing UTIL A/17/1 to z111.
Still p_manage_111 must be run in usr_library.
In short, the proper order should be p_manage_111 and then p_manage_64
(keywords: p-manage-111 manage-111 manage_111 p_manage_111 manage_64 p-manage-64 manage-64)
Additional Information
p-manage-64, usr_library, z111, p_manage_111
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013