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    p_acq_02 (p-acq-02-1): retrieval by Transaction Active Amount doesn't work

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    I am trying to run a report in acquisitions to get a list of my active serial orders that still have active encumbrances. I am using the General Retrieval Form acq-02-01 in Acquisitions Services. I have tried this in several libraries. You can look on our server to see the following example.

    The name of my acq-02 output file is abc_tst_acq-02_may5

    My form was set up to retrieve by budget number (212003-110123-2012), transaction type (ENC), original encumbrance (1-11111), Transaction Active Amount (1-1111) and Order Type of S.

    It seems to be pulling everything correctly except for the transaction active amount.
    ADM1265, BIB38740 is showing on the report even though the active encumbrance is zero.
    ADM1315, BIB38790 is also showing on the report even though the active encumbrance is zero.

    Is there something wrong in my acq-02 setup or is there a bug that is not recognizing the Transaction Active Amount?

    The filters all work independently. So the result includes orders that have an encumbrance with NO active amount, but an invoice transaction WITH active amounts. In other words, you get orders that have:

    1) The designated budget
    2) At least one Encumbrance transaction (even if none of those has an active amount), and
    3) Some transaction (not necessarily an Encumbrance) with an active amount.

    Change would be considered an enhancement request.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013