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    p_com_02 counting deleted records as new

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Is p_com_02 supposed to count deleted records as new? I ran a check against z13_open_date and found that the numbers were different. When I looked at them, it was that deleted records are counted as newly cataloged. For example, doing a p_com_02 for records created between 7/1/2007 and 7/17/2007, I came up with 1 more than using z13. So I used p_ret_01 to retrieve the records created between 7/1/2007 and 7/17/2007 and then having a DEL subfield a Y. The deleted record was returned. I understand why this is happening, but it makes our statistical reporting of "Total new cataloging" give misleading results.

    $aleph_proc/p_com_02 executes the .../a18_1/alephm/sql_stat/util_s_01_23.sql, reading the z13, to select the New records and the Updated records:

    spool $data_scratch/
    select distinct substr(Z13_REC_KEY,1,9)
    from &&1..Z13
    where Z13_OPEN_DATE >= &&FROM_DATE and
    Z13_OPEN_DATE <= &&TO_DATE;

    spool $data_scratch/util_s_01_23.update
    select distinct substr(Z13_REC_KEY,1,9)
    from &&1..Z13
    where Z13_UPDATE_DATE >= &&FROM_DATE and
    Z13_UPDATE_DATE <= &&TO_DATE and

    It will get all records created in this time period regardless of whether they have been deleted.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013