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    p_course_03: I/O error : file 'TP1' ... File not open - cannot be closed

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    In my Aleph 20 environment I am running the $aleph_proc/ p_course_03 job from the line command. I have previously run this same job in Aleph 18 as part of regular scripts .

    The p_course_03 job works when run from the Aleph GUI menu, but fails with "TP1 ... File not open - cannot be closed" and "FORM-IN ... File not found" errors when run from the command line:

    version 20 revision 01 copy 4, 04-Aug-2010
    start ABC30,Inactivated,ABCSL,00,Y,,P,20110816,
    Fixed param: ABC30,Inactivated,ABCSL,00,Y,,P,20110816,
    setenv p_active_library "ABC30"
    setenv p_report_name "Inactivated"
    setenv p_sub_library "ABCSL"
    setenv p_form_no "00"
    setenv p_update_items "Y"
    setenv p_unit ""
    setenv p_filter_item_info "P"
    setenv p_since_date "20110816"
    2nd param (target and user name):
    3rd param (log file name):
    Load: /eexl/aleph/a20_1/aleph/tab/tab_job_type

    I/O error : file 'TP1'
    error code: 4/2 (ANS85), pc=0, call=1, seg=0
    142 File not open - cannot be closed

    Load: /eexl/aleph/u20_1/alephe/tab/tab100
    Load: /eexl/aleph/u20_1/ABC30/tab/tab100
    gsort: course_03_1: No such file or directory
    gsort: course_03_2.tmp: No such file or directory
    Load: /eexl/aleph/u20_1/alephe/tab/tab100
    Load: /eexl/aleph/u20_1/ABC30/tab/tab100

    I/O error : file 'FORM_IN'
    error code: 3/5 (ANS85), pc=0, call=1, seg=0
    13 File not found

    mv: cannot access /eexl/aleph/u20_1/ABC30

    Comparing the GUI run to the command line, you will note that the former has "ABC50" as the library, while the latter has "ABC30". This job is being submitted in the ABC50 library. That's what you need to specify.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013