p_file_01: Segmentation Fault
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 17.01
In TEST. After running p_file_01 to start the process of reloading the bibliographic records from MARCIVE we encountered a segmentation fault on file 27 of the 29 files. Only file 27 had this problem, all others ran fine. We were running p_file_01 from the command line, but this is the only file to run in to this problem.
1. Changing to format "04" did not work. We get 1000s of CUT RECORDS:
Cut 1000 documents
Cut 2000 documents
Cut 3000 documents
Cut 4000 documents
No of documents= 4598
2. We tried also format "05" with no output count.
3. Fixed physical length 2048 format "01" works for the other 26 files, but not for this one. It does seem to be a file problem.
[From site:] We were in error: the format was not fixed length 2048 bytes, but rather record delimited by '1D' (value "04"). Once we changed the format this worked fine on the file in question, and we re-ran on all other files. The segmentation fault no longer occurs. And the output by both methods matched on the other files.
- Article last edited: 1/21/2014