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    p_file_01 (submitted from Vista pc) does not load records

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    One of the cataloging staff has recently moved from a Windows XP workstation to a VISTA workstation. Since that time we have not been able to run the Load Catalog Records service to load our OCLC records from Promptcat. We don't appear to get past step 1, Convert Marc Records (file-01).

    The other staff person is still using Windows XP and the service runs correctly from that machine. What files or settings should we check to resolve this problem for our VISTA user?

    I do not think this is a Vista problem. I submitted p_file_01 successfully to usm01 on il-aleph02 181 from the Vista pc in the office here just now.

    I suspect that the GUI client on the Vista pc has something different or the user is doing something different.

    There are two main possibilities:

    1. The job executes but fails to produce the expected output file (because of errors).

    2. The job fails to execute because ???

    #1. They need to look at the $alephe_scratch job log. (They say "the job does not appear to create any files because we do not see any files in the Scratch directory." Besides not seeing any output file, do they not see any job log either? We should not have to go onto their server to see if there's a job log (a log "orn01_p_file_01.nnnn". They should understand that a job submitted via the GUI which executes should produce a job log.

    If there's a job log but they do not see the output file,...

    * Is the "Print to ADM Lib" checkbox on the right, about halfway down, on the submission screen checked? This will cause the output file to go to the abc50 library rather than abc01.

    * Is there an error in the job log, such as,

    I/O error : file 'TP1'
    error code: 3/5 (ANS85), pc=0, call=1, seg=0
    13 File not found

    indicating that the input file was not found. (This can happen because the "Print to ADM Lib" box is checked. In this case the job looks for the *input* file in the ADM scratch directory -- besides printing the output to the ADM print directory.)

    #2. (The job fails to execute because ???)

    If there is no $alephe_scratch job log, the job did not execute. [I assume that they see the message "Job submitted" on the Vista pc.]

    The p_file_01 submission screen has a "Library" dropdown at the bottom. Are they selecting the correct value? If not, it could be that the job is being submitted to USM01 or some other library whose batch queue is not running and, therefore, the job never executes.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013