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    p_file_20: "Error 0116 : Z305-CASH-LIMIT is not numeric"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    I am seeing the following error on certain records in running p_file_20 for our xxx50 library:
    Error (b_file_20_chk_edit_record) : Errors in Z305 Record 000023
    Number of Errors = 01
    Load: /tmp/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/u16_1/alephe/error_eng/check_z305
    Error 0116 : Z305-CASH-LIMIT is not numeric

    The Z305-CASH-LIMIT field does not come from the PLIF record.
    For a new record it comes from the xxx50/tab/tab31 table. Non-numeric characters in column 15 of tab31 could cause this error.
    In this case, the PLIF records matched an existing record (converted from the previous system) and this error was occurring in trying to save this existing Z305 record to the server. We found that the records which were getting this error had z305_cash_limit of '0', while those which did not get the error had a z305_cash_limit of '0000000000'. This SQL was used to check for this:
    SQL-xxx50> select count(*) from z305 where z305_cash_limit = '0';
    SQL-xxx50> select count(*) from z305 where z305_cash_limit = '0000000000';
    And this SQL was used to correct them:
    SQL-xxx50> update z305 set z305_cash_limit = '0000000000' where z305_cash_limit = '0';

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013