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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    p_file_20: io_z305 ... unique constraint violated.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We are getting errors in the PLIF loads:

    Oracle error: io_z305_write ORA-00001: unique constraint (ECC50.Z305_ID) violated.

    util a/17/14 shows that a valid z305_id exists and, despite this error, the z305 borrower records *have* been created.

    This message indicates p_file_20 is trying to write a z305 record with a key which duplicates an existing z305.

    This happens when the ADM library tab31, column 22 = "Y" (indicating that an "ALEPH" z305 record should be created) and the PLIF input file contains both a BOR-REC with "xxx50" as the BOR-REC-SUB-LIBRARY and a 2nd one with "ALEPH" as the BOR-REC-SUB-LIBRARY.

    When the system processes the xxx50 BOR-REC, in addition to creating the xxx50 z305, it also -- based on tab31, col. 22 -- creates the ALEPH z305. Then when the ALEPH BOR-REC is processed, it collides with the ALEPH z305.

    Note: At one time we thought that this problem occurred only when the ALEPH BOR-REC was *first* in the PLIF file (ahead of the xxx50 record). But we have found that the problem occurs regardless of the order of the xxx50 and ALEPH records.

    Since p_file_20 detects the case where there's a previously-existing ALEPH z305 and doesn't create one based on tab31 col. 22, sites have found that running p_cir_83 to create ALEPH z305's has eliminated these messages for existing users.

    But the real solution is to not include an ALEPH BOR-REC in the input file: When you specify "Y" for tab31, col. 22, it is not necessary to have an ALEPH BOR-REC in the input file.

    Additional Information

    PLIF, unique, constraint, faq

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013