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    p_file_20 ID-VERIFICATION -- what should we use?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    Per KB 16384-3267, an ID-VERIFICATION (z308_verification) is required for p_file_20 ID types 02 and higher,... but what should we use?

    The Z308-VERIFICATION functions as a PIN code -- an additional check to make sure this is a legitimate user.

    The initial value for the ID-VERIFICATION/Z308-VERIFICATION should be something known to the student. (If it were system-assigned, then the student would always have to consult with library staff to do the initial log-in.)

    Some possible intial ID-VERIFICATION values:

    1. the patron's birthdate;

    2. the barcode could be the initial verification for the University ID and
    the last four digits of the University ID could be the initial verification for the barcode.

    3. if you don't feel that this double-check is useful, you can make the ID-VERIFICATION the same as the ID-NO. That is, just repeat the ID itself as the verification.

    In any case, the patrons should be aware that they can change the ID-VERIFICATION to whatever they want -- and should be encouraged to do so -- especially if option #3 is chosen.

    If you use ldap secure-login so students can only log in to the OPAC with their campus username/password, then the preceding is not terribly relevant and you probably want to choose option #3, which is the simplest.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013