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    p_file_93: "Sequence 'last loader log no' does not exist "

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    I'm attempting to use the OCLC loader (file-93) to load records into our test/training database -- version 18. When I attempt to fire off the loader I receive the error message that Sequence "last loader log no" does not exist.

    I assume this means that the line is missing in util/g/2 (and it's not there) .... so, how do I go about creating this line, i.e., how should it read?

    You need to add a line, like the following:

    last-loader-log-no 0 Y U

    You do util g/2 like this:

    Enter sequence number to update,
    or return to continue, or NEW to create new sequence, or 0 to exit: new
    Enter sequence name (lower case): last-loader-log-no
    Enter sequence start number: 0
    Enter prefix for format output:
    Do you want to supress leading zeros in format output (y/n): y
    Enter type (S/U): U
    Confirm (y/n): y

    If the last-loader-log-no exists but has the wrong value, then see KB 8192-6519.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013