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    p_file_96: Can it load an external number as the z68_order_number?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    What pitfalls might there be in using an externally-supplied order number in Aleph. Unless there's a way to map the order number from incoming records in p_file_96 which I'm not aware of -- and this is a case where I'd very much like to be ignorant -- this would mean replacing the order number via SQL in orders, items, etc. right after they're created and then forcing an index update for the order index (something I'm not currently sure how to do).

    p_file_96 creates the z68_order_number using the z52 last-order-number counter.

    The z68_order_number_1 and z68_order_number_2 can be given values using the tab_96_def. (All order records created from the input file would be given the same value.)

    The 980 subfield f is put into the Z68-VENDOR-REFERENCE-NO. It's ALEPH's intention that this should be the field where the vendor's number for the order should reside.

    There is no provision for any field from the input record being loaded into the z68_order_number field.

    As you suggest, you could update the z68 and z30 with SQL. You could also update the z79 order index with SQL -- or you could use p_acq_04 to regenerate it.

    Is there any chance that the Z68-VENDOR-REFERENCE-NO could be used instead of the z68_order_number by whoever is interested in this?

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013