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    p_item_04: Misshelved Items incorrectly includes multi-volume sets

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 15.5

    Attached is a portion of a Misshelved report as generated by p_item_04. The lines highlighted in green are the 30 items reflecting the 30 volumes of the Encyclopedia Americana.

    In column U Status, 12 of the 30 lines are identified as 'Item misshelved'. Column T z30-enumeratioin-a is in the order expected on the shelf.

    Why are these lines identified as 'Item misshelved'? Is there a way to add a report format with the z30-enumeration-a as the second sort? Is so, where does the report format get set up?

    p_item_04 sorts the items by the z30_call_no_key. Each volume of an encyclopedia will have the same call number. The order of the items beyond that is the Z30-ITEM-SEQUENCE (bytes 10-15 of the z30_rec_key).

    There is no way to add z30-enumeration-a as a second sort. There is no second sort. Adding it would be an enhancement request.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013