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    p_item_07: "Execution error : file '.../b_item_07_b.gnt'

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We are trying to run inventory report from p_Item_07. We got the following errors in the log:

    Execution error : file '/exlibris/aleph/a20_1/aleph/exe/b_item_07_b.gnt'
    error code: 114, pc=0, call=1, seg=0

    We searched the knowledge Base #8192-3705 has the solution by deleting the record with blank Order Number and add new order. But it still has the same problem and no report come out.

    It was working before we upgrade to version 20.

    p_item_07 selects items to include based on the Z30_INVENTORY_NUMBER_DATE. As the SQL below shows, only two of the lnl50 items have a non-zero z30_INVENTORY_NUMBER_DATE:

    abc50@ALEPH0> select substr(Z30_INVENTORY_NUMBER_DATE,1,4), count(*) from z30 group by substr(Z30_INVENTORY_NUMBER_DATE,1,4);
    **** Hit return to continue ****

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    0 633389
    2007 2

    The p_file_90, p_file_92, p_file_96, and p_file_99 loaders can all be set up to populate the z30 with a z30_inventory_number and z30_inventory_number_date.

    Since these items were not loaded with such settings, you are not able to run p_item_07 limiting the report to a particular date range.

    It *is* possible that you could use SQL to copy the z30_open_date to the z30_inventory_number_date prior to running p_item_07.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013