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    p_manage_01: how much space does z98 require?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    I have been trying to re-gen the word indexes. I am using the p_manage_01_e restart instructions in "How To Run Index Jobs", Section 9, to just rerun just that last step, but it keeps failing with a lack of space for the z98. I keep adding a gb to the tablespace and try again. Yesterday it got to the last 2 cycles; today, the last.

    How can I calculate how much space the z98 actually needs?

    The p_manage_01_e cycles are different than the p_manage_01_a cycles: they get progressively bigger/longer. The last cycle will often take three times the space and three times the time of the previous cycles.

    There are some examples of z98 space in section 5.2 of the "How To Run Index Jobs". Those show a range of 2 - 4 gig for each million bib records.

    Since the z95 is already built (the z97 and z95 are built by p_manage_01_a), you can calculate the z98 space as a percentage of the z95 space: it is usually 60-70%.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013