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    p_manage_01 / p_manage_02: How to tell if extraction processes are running ahead

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    The "How To Run Index Jobs" document says, in regard to p_manage_01 and p_manage_02: "having too many (extraction) processes running at the same time will cause the extraction process to 'run ahead' -- at the expense of the subsequent single-threaded steps."

    How can we tell if these processes are running ahead?

    When the job is running, you will see that column 1 of the p_manage_01_a.cycles file is way ahead of the other columns.

    If you are looking at the log after the job is run, you can calculate how long it was before the p_manage_01_d step finished after the p_manage_01_a steps (the extraction steps) finished.

    If this is less than 10% of the total run time, then the extraction steps are not running ahead and you may want to consider increasing the number of processes specified in the job submission.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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