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    p_manage_02: Multiple Z01s created for same heading

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    In AUT (Author browse) I see 8 separate entries for "Alumni/ae Association". I looked at the z01 table through util f_04 and can't see why these aren't remaining distinct. I de-duped the entries and found the only unique lines in them are: filing_sequence and z01_acc_sequence. Not only is the normalized text the same, but the display text is identical too! Why these are remaining separate?

    Possible this could have to do with the "/". We suggest to check if there are other headings with this problem.
    Check if they have "/" or similar punctuation.
    Also, as a test, please add this heading to a BIB record. Check if it does connect to one of the existing Z01's -- or does it generate a new, 9th Z01.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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