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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    p_manage_05 is running too long and not creating oracle indexes.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    p_manage_05 was started in ABC01 on Jul 22 at 19:38:15 PM. The job is still running (after 2 hours). (A previous run completed in 1 hour.)

    See main log file "abc01_p_manage_05.log" in $alephe_scratch.

    - p_manage_05_a_* logs (/abc01/scratch/) are not showing "error", "space" or "oracle" messages: jsut "sleeping..."
    - the z30/item records do *not* have duplicate z30_rec_key fields;
    - the z103/links are valid

    The z11 records were already loaded to the database: total number is 46123350 and it is not changing. Oracle indexes z11_id and z11_id1 are still missing.

    Note: The job is not appearing in the util c/1 since I submitted the job on the server (not via the gui).

    Submitting the job from the command line on the server should *not* prevent it from appearing in util c/1.

    I killed the existing manage_05 processes and resubmitted p_manage_05, using the following command:

    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_manage_05 ABC01,1,000000000,999999999,06 > & $alephe_scratch/abc01_p_manage_05.0722.log &

    This job completed successfully (in 1hour, 5 minutes), including the building of the z11_id and z11_id1 Oracle indexes.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013