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    manage-12: Running it with servers up?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18 and up


    It seems that some of our Holding records are not properly linked to the Bib record. I think we need to run manage-12 in order to create proper links. Can we run this with the www_server up?


    Please consult with Ex Libris Support before running manage-12 on an existing Production system.


    This is a delicate operation, involving multiple libraries, and is *not* normally necessary. (See also article manage-12: sequence for BIB, ADM, HOL, and Course libraries *MASTER RECORD*).

    The v18 and v19 versions of manage-12 do not lock the library, but we have found that running it with "Delete all Links?" "N" does not usually accomplish what you would want; it usually needs to be run with "Delete all Links?" "Y". When it is run in this fashion, it:

    (1) deletes the links between the records, making it so no holdings display in the OPAC (or in the GUI Search) while it is running; and

    (2) does intensive I/O, writing millions of records, competing with user transactions.

    Thus, you should run manage-12 with "Delete all Links?" "Y" only when the www_server and pc_server are down.

    • Article last edited: 22-July-2016