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    p_manage_70 doesn't include existing items?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    I use p_manage_70 with BIB_TO_ITEM and I go to the shelves to check the report. I find that some items that are on the shelf are not included in the report. However, when I run p_manage_70 just on one of those items, it is correctly included in the report. What is wrong?

    p_manage_70 looks for the input file in library's $data_scratch; if it is not there, p_manage_70 takes the file from $alephe_scratch, and copies it to $data_scratch of the library.
    We found that the same input file was under BIB's $data_scratch, (although the active library was adm ABC50). The file was there possibly from the previous runs, and this input file didn't include all the records that were later created under $alephe_scratch with the same file name. Problem was resolved after deleting the file from the BIB's $data_scratch directory. For the next runs, each input file will be named differently. That also explains why the running on a single record worked correctly - because it had a different input file name.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013